Eating Habits for Healthy Skin by Claire Hamilton book graphic

Are you ready to reclaim your health and get your best skin?

In Eating Habits for Healthy Skin, I lay out the back-to-basics approach to eating that resolved my decade long struggle with my skin. I share my story of acne, eczema, and psoriasis, and the practical steps that helped me to heal. If you’re struggling with your skin, this book will help.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • how to eat in a way that optimises your gut and digestive health and why this will help you to get your best skin
  • my method to effortlessly change your behaviours and stick to your new healthy eating habits
  • how to overcome obstacles, and eat your favourite foods without sabotaging your progress

Plus you’ll get access to bonus tools to help you get started and keep you accountable to make sure you get results.

Small, daily actions will transform your skin – and your life.